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Shop Decoration Service
The information we need:
1. Your shop layout (If you don't have, just let us know your shop's length and width. We will make a layout for you.)
2. The display type you need. (You may send us a photo to show which type you need.)
3. The size you need. (If you don't know, we may design for your checking.)
4. The material you like. (Metal, wood, stainless steel or acrylic, etc?)
5. The color you need. (White, black, yellow, pink or whatever color you like.)
With these information, we can help you solve the problem of shop store decoration.
Trust us, we will return you a beautiful and elegant shop.
Come to us for more info.
Email: anita@ewshelf.com
Mobile: 86-15260776055
Supply China shoe shop decoration factory quotes
Shop Decoration Service
No matter what type of store you own, you know that presentation is the one major key that can make all the difference in the atmosphere of your store. The appropriate type of shelving not only makes your store look more professional, but it also makes your products look more desirable. Customers will automatically be drawn to your store if it looks as though you have put a lot of thought and effort into the presentation of your various products. Always take your time in choosing your display cases and shelves. We take pride in offering top quality display shelves , gondola shelves and other racking and shelving products for stores of every size, shape and type.
There are so many types of shelves that you really cannot pinpoint which is the best. The display you choose depends entirely on the products you sell and the theme of your store. The right display case or gondola shelving really could make all the difference. One factor to consider is the product that the shelf will display. Acrylic display cases are fine for inexpensive trinkets or everyday items, while wood and glass display cases are a better choice for higher end items like electronics or fine jewelry. Good shelving should complement the products, displaying them in the most attractive way.
You’ll also need to consider accessibility. This includes factors such as ease of access and presentation. Does the item need to be easily reached by the customer? Gondola shelving may be the best option in cases like these. For items where security is an issue, or where sales assistance will be needed, a closed display case may be the more logical choice. Display cases should be large enough to display the items clearly, without the appearance of clutter. Also take into account any signage that needs to be placed into the display. Gondola shelving can have pricing affixed directly to the shelving, which is especially useful for items like grocery products or stationery supplies. Items like collectibles or jewelry typically need additional space for pricing signage, so take this into account when choosing the appropriate size.
Furthermore, good display shelves play a role in marketing the products. The best display shelves are attractive without drawing attention away from the products themselves. Consider factors such as lighting, color, angle of view and placement. Items you’d like to draw extra attention to should be placed in key traffic areas, while staple items can be placed deeper within the store to expose customers to more of your products.
Dongfeng is the place to look for gondola Shelving and display cases that suit your store. You will find a wide variety of displays that will portray the theme and style of your store in exactly the way that you want. If you are going for a more elegant, old world type of style then one of our wood displays is the perfect choice. Such a display case is available in several styles and finishes and of course with a high quality hardwood construction that promises to maintain perfection for several years.
Gondola shelves are perfect if you have a large number of products to display but also have to compete with somewhat of a shoestring budget. Generally these shelves are sturdy enough to hold quite a heavy load of items, so you will never have to worry about warping or bending. Gondola shelving is perfect for both backroom and retail display, so this type of shelving would be better suited to grocery stores, book stores, drug stores, hardware stores and others.
At our factory, you are bound to find a whole assortment of display items, not limited to gondola shelves or wooden displays. This company has shelving and display set-ups for virtually any type of store; so no matter what you need, this is the place you will find it.
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